25 March 2021

Charity Matters spring 2021 newsletter

This week marks one year since staff at University Hospital Southampton treated their first coronavirus patient.

Since then all our lives have changed in ways that we could never have imagined.

But one thing hasn’t changed. I still witness the kindness and generosity of our supporters on a daily basis. From maternity services through to the wards that care for our older people, YOU are the transforming care for thousands of people across our hospitals.

Thank you for making a difference with us.


Beth Hall
Director, Southampton Hospitals Charity

Download our latest newsletter here

In this issue, we find out more about…

  • How you helped light up our wards with smiles at Christmas
  • How we could be the extra support for recovering patients – thanks to you
  • One year on: your kindness through the pandemic
  • How you’re helping to create an Intensive Care Unit that will make Southampton proud
  • We talk to Claire Danson, European triathlete champion, about our triathlon
  • How you’re making vital research into brain injuries possible
  • How the NHS has been good to Tina, who has worked at UHS since 1974, and why she is leaving a gift in her Will to the hospital
  • The work of our Lahna Appeal, and how their funding is helping countless other children

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