12 June 2020

It is my turn to…

I have battled Hodgkin's lymphoma on and off for four years, so now is my turn to thank the NHS for everything they’ve done for me.

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5 June 2020

A Donor’s Tale

My family has lived around Southampton since the early 1900s. My gifts to Southampton Hospitals Charity could never repay my family’s debt to you all.

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14 May 2020

“I have a lot of…

After falling ill with coronavirus, retired teacher Shian Segelov was admitted to University Hospital Southampton last month. Now recovered, Shian now hopes to save others from the virus.

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12 May 2020

42 years as a nurse…

Karen Mitchell has worked at University Hospital Southampton for close to 42 years, and on the children's cancer ward since the 1980s. The treatment may have changed significantly, but...

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11 May 2020

49 years in the NHS

Grace Cesareo is a team leader for cross sectional imaging in the radiology department at UHS, and has worked for the NHS for 49 years.

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