28 May 2021

Lymington Triathlon Club supports local hospital

Last October, Neil Carden went on his standard Wednesday night club ride with four friends.

While riding near Ashurst, his bike hit a pothole and he came off his bike, hitting his head. Despite wearing a helmet, he remained unconscious.

An ambulance was called, and Neil was immediately transferred to the Neurological Intensive Care Unit in University Hospital Southampton for specialist treatment.

Tragically he never recovered, and died just four days later.

Antonia Cox, Chair of Lymington Triathlon Club, says:

Neil had been a member of our club since 2016, and we have been absolutely devastated by his loss. We cannot believe he is no longer here to bound-along at the front of our running group, or to share that all important coffee and chat on a bike ride.

After his death, we held a torchlight walk and run on the salt marshes which had a huge turnout. We knew we wanted to do more to remember him, so some of the club have signed up to Southampton Hospitals Charity Race for a Million virtual triathlon.

As his wife Clare said when he died, “Keep putting on your running shoes, getting on your bike and swimming every day that you can. Don’t waste a moment.”

Neil was a true team player and always joined in with gusto with everything the club did, and we know he would have loved to be a part of this.


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