9 May 2022

Epic challenge by KPMG partner for hospital

Will Smith, a partner at KPMG, is taking on a virtual Land’s End to John O’Groats (LEJOG) and back again in a cycle and running challenge to support his local hospital.

Will comments, “At KPMG, we have supported Southampton Hospitals Charity for the last five years and have successfully raised over £10,700 to help enhance the services provided by the hospital.

KPMG is a global firm providing an Audit, Tax and Advisory service, however our local office is based in Eastleigh. As such, a number of our staff or their families have had treatment at University Hospital Southampton.

The patient care has always been exemplary, including that of my father-in-law, which is why I chose to take on this virtual LEJOG event. By making the event virtual, it means I can complete the challenge at my own pace, and to reflect my own fitness and ever increasing age.

Starting in late 2021, so far I have already completed the cycling portion from Lands End to John O’Groats which is a total of 874 miles. I am many miles into the return journey through running as many times a week as my work and legs will allow! It was fantastic to take part in the ABP Southampton 10K recently, and the views from the toll bridge were amazing.

It seems fitting that I am also just over halfway through raising £1,500 for the hospital charity!”

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