30 April 2022

Skydive in memory of Koen 

On 30 April, Gary Jerrim, will be taking on a daring 15,000 foot skydive in memory of his son, Koen-Lee, born sleeping in Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton. He comments: 

“My wife, Jade, and I live in Southampton. We’ve been very fortunate to have three other children, and after we announced we were pregnant, they were excited to meet their baby brother. 

The pregnancy seemed to progress similar to with the other children, and we were invited into Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton for our 20-week scan on 23 August 2021. 

Then came the words that words that no parents wants to hear. 

There was no heartbeat. 

From that moment on, the support and help we received from the staff at Princess Anne Hospital really did make the most difficult time that little bit easier to get through. 

An incredible nurse called Gemma explained everything to us and what to expect. She really took the time to talk with us to help prepare us for Koen once he arrived.  

He was born sleeping on 25 August.  

That day, we spent nine hours with our boy. In that time, we had a naming ceremony and a blessing by the hospital Chaplain, Sue. Her gentleness, kindness, and genuine interest in us all was so comforting.  

The thought of leaving Koen was unbearable. 

One of the amazing things that Southampton Hospitals Charity provides is a funeral service in these instances at no cost to the family. Everything is covered.  

We had as much input in the service as we liked. The fact we could honour Koen the way we did is something we will be eternally grateful for.  

I’ve felt for a while that I wanted to give something back to the hospital after our experience. 

I knew that it had to be a challenge and that I needed to push myself. I really don’t like heights, so on 30 April I am going to be jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet!  

Money raised will go directly to Southampton Hospitals Charity, specifically the Bramshaw Women’s Unit, so they can support other families going through this heartbreak.”  

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