10 July 2023

Toolkit for wheelchair maintenance and customisation

The neurosciences department at University Hospital Southampton have recently bought a wheelchair toolkit so the team can fix and adapt wheelchairs for patients.

Sarah Halcrow, Matron, explains “Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system in relation to its functions and disorders. In Southampton, we have one of the largest and most highly-regarded neurological units in the UK.

We have a lot of specialist equipment that we lend out to our patients to trial or use during rehabilitation sessions. These can range from walkers and zimmer frames to customised wheelchairs.

Having a toolkit on the ward means that not only can we do small maintenance jobs like tightening screws and adjusting the height of the aids, but we can add arms and head rests to customise the wheelchairs for our patients.

We had the odd few screwdrivers on the ward before or would have to send the equipment elsewhere to be fixed or adjusted.

Now, thanks to funding from Southampton Hospitals Charity, we have a fully functioning mobile toolkit with all the accessories.

This allows us to fix or adapt the equipment between patients so they can start their rehabilitation quicker and improve their independence.”

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