28 January 2023
Sensory projector for children’s cancer unit
Thanks to Southampton Hospitals Charity, our Piam Brown ward has recently received a £6,000 sensory machine to enhance play for children.
This unique portable machine provides a kaleidoscope of colour, sound, and touch – enabling a stimulating sensory experience for the children and parents using it.
Vicky Torpeythomas, Play Leader on the Piam Brown ward, said “We’re so thankful to receive this machine on our ward, the possibilities are endless and it especially helps with our younger patients.
One small child recently spent three hours using it, giving mum and dad that much-needed break.”

“It’s also beneficial for patients who have been sedated, as it’s often hard for them to fall asleep after medication. The machine helps us create a calming environment for them to drift off.”
One of the first patients to use the machine was 18-month-old Brooke Jordan, from Wareham. Brooke was recently diagnosed with Wilms Tumour, a type of kidney cancer that commonly affects young children.
Mum Nicole, said “On one of our days on the ward Brooke was nil-by-mouth and she became very distressed, she was just too young to understand why she couldn’t eat.
The play team put the machine in her room and almost instantly she calmed down, it was a great distraction for not only Brooke, but for us too.
“Brooke loved pressing the buttons to make it change colour and playing with the fibre optics. It’s a great addition to the ward and I’m sure it will help many families like ours.”
This machine couldn’t have been purchased without the help of Southampton Hospitals Charity, and our wonderful supporters.