16 August 2022

Running the London Marathon for Southampton Hospital

Lawyer Jonathan Cathie lives in Southampton with his wife, Katrina, and two daughters Lucy, 13, and Rosie, 10. This October, Jonathan is running the London Marathon in support of Southampton Hospitals Charity to say thank you to the hospital for the treatment of his daughters when younger and his wife’s current breast cancer diagnosis, and to support breast cancer research. He explains:  

“Southampton Hospital has been a significant part of our lives since we first met in 1999. Not only did Katrina study medicine at Southampton, but she also did much of her paediatric training at Southampton General Hospital and has been a permanent member of staff there since 2015.

Our two daughters were born in Southampton, and both have required hospital care at various points within the children’s hospital.

The most significant of these was our youngest daughter.

When she was two she had a couple of very worrying stays in Paediatric Intensive Care caused by prolonged seizures from a brain infection (encephalitis). Thankfully she has now fully recovered.

In January 2022, my wife was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 41. It was a massive shock to us and our family. We have been married for 20 years, and this is the biggest challenge our family has faced.

Fortunately, it was picked up early. Katrina underwent surgery and is receiving ongoing treatment and monitoring from the clinical teams.”

Taking up the London Marathon challenge

“I like running and enjoy the challenge of a marathon. I am part of a local running club and have previously run marathons. Earlier this year I had a knee injury which has slowed down my training, but it is Katrina’s situation that is spurring me on.

I always said that I would only consider taking up a charity place in a marathon if it was for a cause that I really believed in and felt a connection to.

Well, this is undoubtedly the opportunity. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon or suddenly!

A cancer diagnosis is devastating at the best of times. Katrina’s journey has opened my eyes to the challenges, pain and suffering that so many people endure, and how much of a difference the expertise and kindness of the NHS can make.

I am fundraising for the Breast Cancer Research Fund of Southampton Hospitals Charity. Ongoing research is vital to advance and improve care for patients. Part of the reason Katrina was able to benefit from the treatment she received is because of previous research that has shown which treatments are best for different patients.

I want to help raise money to support research into Breast Cancer so that more of those who are diagnosed can go on to have long and fulfilling lives.

Over the last few months, we’ve had so many challenges and emotional moments, but the support and level of care we’ve experienced in Southampton has been exceptional, and the staff have gone above and beyond to help us on this difficult journey.

I will be forever grateful to the amazing staff at Southampton Hospital for their overwhelming kindness and dedication, and for caring so wonderfully for our family when we have needed them most.”


Join Jonathan as he runs the London Marathon

Have you been inspired by Jonathan and his family’s journey? Why not join him and our other London Marathon runners by taking on the virtual London Marathon on 2 October.

The Charity is currently offering FREE registration on these places, with £100 minimum sponsorship. Help us keep Southampton at the forefront of medical care and treatment.


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