11 June 2021

GIBLU staff band together for patients

Twenty-four passionate NHS staff including nurses, doctors, healthcare assistants, dieticians, physiotherapists and the pharmacy team will be taking on a variety of challenges.

This will cover 420.9miles throughout June, in a bid to raise £5,000 for the new trial Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Liver Unit (GIBLU) at University Hospital Southampton.

The team are hoping to raise the funds to purchase artwork and colour coordinated bays that will assist in reducing patient anxiety, make the area look less clinical, and will help patients find their beds more easily.

GIBLU is the enhanced care area for patients requiring a high level of observation due to gastrointestinal bleeding and constant monitoring is required as well as active treatment to prevent further deterioration.

Gillian Lambert, D8 Ward Leader, says: “It is a really exciting time for our service, and our whole team just want the best for our patients.

Having a dedicated area will reduce length of stay and improve outcomes, so we are thrilled to be trialling this in Southampton.

I genuinely love working in this speciality and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. There is a lot going on the GIBLU unit at all times and this can sometimes be a concerning time for patients.

We are committed to continually driving up standards and competence through fresh thinking to ensure that, from the point of admission, the individual’s journey mirrors what we would expect for our own family and friends.”

Support the team today!

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