Image of a child patient with a nurse

The difference your gift could make

It was a gift left in a Will that helped to fund University Hospital Southampton in the early 20th century. And it’s the gifts that our supporters kindly leave us in their Wills today that have helped us go the extra mile for our patients.

Image of a Paul Grundy

Around one third of our donations come from gifts in Wills. Without this type of support, we simply wouldn’t be able to offer the standard of care our patients deserve.

Paul Grundy, Chief Medical Officer

In just the past few years, gifts in Wills have helped us to:

Image of a baby

Supply our children’s ward with play and learning activities.

Refurbish the new intensive care unit.

Image of a nurse in PPE
Image of a patient and nurse

Make our elderly care wards more dementia-friendly.

Build a new gym for our rehabilitation patients.

Image of a patient and nurse
Image of a scientist

Fund research into amblyopia (lazy eye) in children.

Whether it’s a piece of new equipment, a pioneering new research project, or a little something extra to enhance our patients’ hospital experience, your legacy gift will go a long way in keeping this hospital world class.