25 July 2019
Winning staff lottery grant projects
This year with the profits from the Southampton Hospital Charity lottery, we have been able to provide grants to our staff for the benefit of our patients.
We received 93 applications and thank you to everyone who took the time to apply. This year we have allocated £21,214 to our winning projects which include:
- Sensory library to help with distraction for the learning disability and autism clinic – £2,000.
- Wheelchairs for the trauma and orthopaedic therapy services – £1,373.
- Equipment library to loan items to patients on a trial or short term basis for atypical Parkinson’s syndrome patients in our neurological department – £1,004.
- Wheelchair scales for the motor neurone disease care centre – £785.
- Static bikes as part of physiotherapy treatment across our cancer care wards – £712.
- Activity box to occupy and stimulate patients, and wash bags to provide personal items for the neurosciences intensive care unit – £500.
- Mobile sensory lights and equipment for the youth and play services – £420.
- Folding wheelchair for use of transporting patients on ambulances between our hospital sites – £400.
- Fans for the labour ward – £300.
- Gel warmer for scans in the maternity day assessment unit – £300.
- Radios for waiting areas in the ultrasound department – £300.
- Television to distract children undergoing hour long ECG tests for the neurophysiology department – £200.
- Baby changing station in the urodynamics department – £160.
- Fans for ward bays in Brooke Ward – £140.
- Sibling workshop to understand their needs by the paediatric Cystic Fibrosis unit – £130.
- Little Tikes cars for children’s outpatient services – £120.
- Chairs for a quiet room where clinicians convey sad news during early pregnancy – £80.
- We are also hoping to part-fund two larger projects for which we are currently finalising the details.
Last updated: 25/07/2019