30 September 2019
Video snapshot competition
Southampton Hospital Charity is looking for videos (between 30 seconds and one minute) or a carousel of images to help us showcase the incredible work that goes on within the hospital every day.
For everyone currently supporting us, we want to know why. Whether you want to tell the world what the hospital means to you, or you want to highlight a team or staff member, the choice is up to you!
All that we ask is that your videos start with: ‘My University Hospital Southampton snapshot is…’ These six simple words could mean you win £500 for a ward or department of your choice.
Make your creation between 30 seconds and one minute using simple phone apps such as YouCut. This makes editing videos a doddle, and you can even create a video from photos, plus add music and text. Another easy programme for tablets includes iMovies.
The whole point is to provide a snapshot into the incredible staff and the care they provide here in Southampton. Please ensure however that if you are featuring any of our patients, you have their expressed consent to appear in the video.
The competition will run from 1 – 30 November, with the winner being announced on 9 December 2019. All submissions should be sent to our social platforms #UHSShareYourCare.

Facebook: Southampton Hospital Charity UK
Twitter: charity_shc
Instagram: charity_shc
Good luck, and get shooting those videos!
Last updated: 30/09/2019