3 April 2020
Support pours in for staff wellbeing
At the end of March, Southampton Hospitals Charity spearheaded a campaign asking our local community to help support the mental health and wellbeing of NHS frontline and essential staff. We’ve already raised £44,016 (as of 6 April) which is all thanks to you, our supporters.
Some of the money has already been used to buy wellness packages to boost staff morale, and produced mental health information support cards for staff. We’ve bought 1,500 hand creams to help staff experiencing dry skin as a result of hand sanitisers and constant hand washing.
65 coffee machines have been delivered for staff rehydration stations. We’ve had our first order of coffee delivered, and a large quantity of tea has been donated for staff. We are in the process of securing milk, refreshments and paper deliveries now that the shops in the main entrance have shut.
Donations are also going to be used to purchase iPads for our Occupational Health colleagues, enabling them to do interactive sessions with staff whilst remaining off site; and tablets for our staff so that they can connect safely with their loved ones at home whilst working long shifts or isolating themselves.

We are putting funds towards the refurbishment of the new Staff Safe Space in order to support the needs of staff.
20 radios have been delivered for a coronavirus ward. Staff working on the ward have explained that the radios will help patients during their isolated hospital stay, as well as boosting the morale of the staff working on the ward.
We’ve also received so much support from local businesses including IKEA Southampton, TK Maxx, John Lewis, Ahmad Tea, Kimbridge Barn and Uncle Ben’s. All of this would not be possible without your support. The whole community has pulled together to support our NHS staff and we are so grateful.
Discover more at: https://southamptonhospitalscharity.org/NHSheroes
Last updated: 03/04/2020